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Science communication : Date: , Theme: Research

Science and society need to engage in a mutual exchange. The BMBF establishes the necessary conditions for such an exchange through the provision of funding for science communication and its strategic development.

Innovationsvektoren von Bürgerbeteiligung und Wissenschaftskommunikation © Adobe Stock / VectorMine

Research findings play a significant role in helping societies master the challenges of the future. Every day, researchers produce knowledge that has or could have a direct impact on us humans, for example: What role do algorithms play in our everyday lives and working life? How can we feed a growing global population? What can we do to protect ourselves from serious diseases? At the same time, sustainable science requires inspiration and feedback from the midst of society.

Good communication is absolutely essential for a meaningful exchange between science and society. This is why, in addition to a broad range of research activities, the BMBF also promotes innovative science communication and supports and monitors its strategic further development. The BMBF’s approach enables participation and increases trust in science and research.

Main activities

"Science Years" and other flagship projects

The BMBF sees itself as a promoter of sustainable science communication, both in theory and practice. By launching a broad range of innovative and participative projects, we have consistently worked to implement this strategic objective, as the following examples illustrate:

The Science Years have been the key BMBF events since 2000 to raise awareness of science and research among the public and engage in citizen dialogue. A new motto of every Science Year triggers a series of events, campaigns and contests throughout Germany which make researchers enter into a dialogue with people around the country and which serve as a proving ground for innovative formats of science communication. Detailed information in English is here.

The central platform for information and discussion which is funded by the BMBF provides a comprehensive, easily accessible range of information for stakeholders of science communication. The internet portal provides guidance and support in all matters of science communication practice but also discusses developments in research and issues relevant to science journalism. The portal plays a key role in the development of expertise in the field. Click here to go to (German only).

By providing funding for the Transfer Unit, the BMBF supports exchange between the growing interdisciplinary research field of science communication and practitioners: practitioners are able to orient themselves towards findings from research whilst researchers can more easily address questions raised by practitioners. The aim of the Transfer Unit is to sustainably increase the effectiveness and quality of science communication. See here for more information on the Transfer Unit (German only).

Strategies for the future

The BMBF sees itself as a provider of strategic impetus and enabler of the sustainable development of science communication as part of responsible research and innovation policy. Together with a large number of partners, the BMBF wants to ensure good science communication and establish it systematically at all levels of science careers, integrate it in the approval of project funding, develop appropriate structures, resources and skills for innovative science journalism, encourage a sense of responsibility among the diverse range of science communication stakeholders, and to strengthen the links between practitioners and researchers working in the field of science communication and between the national and international community.

The #FactoryWisskomm process in particular is a BMBF commitment to the implementation of these aims. #FactoryWisskomm is the strategic discourse platform for good science communication in Germany. The think tank was launched by BMBF in 2020 as a strategy process to advance science communication involving all key players. In the first edition of #FactoryWisskomm in 2020-2021, some 150 active representatives from science, politics and the media engaged in a broad-based discourse about science communication, transfer and participation and published the results in Handlungsperspektiven für die Wissenschaftskommunikation (German only). The second edition of #FactoryWisskomm up until 2025 will be opened up to a larger group of stakeholders and include impetus provided from international players. #FactoryWisskomm Edition 2 focuses on the concrete implementation of the recommendations for action presented in Edition 1. As an open process, it will serve to identify future developments and tasks, act as a sounding board for current issues related to implementation and as a lab for creativity, the constructive exchange of opinions and networking.

For more information in English on these and other BMBF activities in the area of science communication, or if you or your organization would like to become involved with the #FactoryWisskomm, please contact BMBF’s Division “Science Communication; Science Years”

You can also find more information on other projects and initiatives in German here.